Wednesday, 6 May 2009


Just thought i should post a little explanation about the lack of Photo's and videos and such lately. I thought i already did this in my previous post, but looking back i can't seem to find it. Could be something to do with the way im feeling right now. You see, in OZ, it is a criminal offence to use a USB to upload photo's, however, i am retreating to a sanctuary in Sydney in about 2 weeks time, where a beautiful girl, with long, fiery locks shall welcome us into her lap of luxury where hopefully, i shall be ready to uplaod photo's again. However, a warning. You see, this whole Swine Flu business that's going about, the strain over her ein OZ has reacted badly with some people, myself and Jo included. So, when you see the photo's, just, you know, pity us, but do so quietly. We are learning to deal with our ailments. All the best, and speak soon. I have attached some recent snapshots of us both below, to ease you into our new look. Stay safe, take ya Beechums.x

Chris and Jo.xx

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I think your new looks are an improvement.
