Sunday, 15 March 2009

The wheels on the cyclo go round and round...

IMG_8210, originally uploaded by blibblobblib.

One night, coming home from a meal in Hanoi, myself and Jo decided to get a cyclo, pretty much the same thing as a rickshaw in London. However, unlike the drivers in London, these guys had NO IDEA where our hotel was and after driving around for 25 minutes, it was clear we were both lost. However, they were having a jolly fun time laughing the whole way. Rip off? Perhaps. Terrifying? OH GOD YES. As i have already talked of the traffic in Vietnam, imagine sitting in front of one of these things, zooming through the unstoppable, unflappable, beeping hoards of mopeds and trucks. Now imagine turning a corner into a dark street and finally relaxing as you have a break from the terrifying traffic, when all of a sudden, two giant flashing headlights are coming towards you, coupled with a horn beeping so loud it feels as though your head will explode, and Planes-trains-and-automobile style you raise your hands in front of your screaming face to prepare for instant death from oncoming juggernaut. That part of the journey was not fun. After our very close scrape with being obliterated, as i unstuck my claw like hands from seat, all the driver could do was lean over, tap me on the shoulder and whilst laughing wipe his hand across his forehead making the 'Phew' gesture. I wanted to slap him across the face. Hard.

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